Category Archives: Life

“The unexamined life is not worth living” – What does it mean?

“The unexamined life is not worth living.” These were the words that came out of Socrates’ mouth when he was asked to choose between penalty and exile.

Socrates chose his penalty over exile, but why?

Since there had been no further explanation regarding this statement, it sparked several arguments if this holds true or not. When he chose his penalty, would that meant that he gave up?

Amidst all these, the statement is something modern age still listens to.

Philosophers who lived through the years had different and opposing views on how and when to say that one has thoroughly examined their lives.

An examined life for Cicero is based on integrity and service whilst Seneca is to have meaningful goals.

Fyodor Dostoevsky defines examined lifelike human’s resistance from evil and misery. Whilst, Socrates see it as becoming wise and humble as human.

Yet, is there a wrong or a right answer to what constitutes an unexamined life is?

As the answer is all-encompassing, each philosopher raised valid points.

From which, other questions arise.

Would this mean that if you fail to examine your life, you are as good as a walking dead? How do you examine your life?

The philosopher under fire

It’s always easy to go back and look at the thoughts and ideas of past generations with disagreement. For many reasons but mainly because as time changes so do we, so do our ideas. This can become a paradox of sorts as we now see with this famous quote he left us. Even though it is now widely thought of as untrue it still remains a part of large religions, philosophies, and teachings.

Strange right?

With the broad philosophical strokes painted by our genius’s of thought, it can be easy to misunderstand their original meaning.

Meaning is what it really comes down to if validity is questioned. The controversial quote has definitely reached this point, so now we ask: What did he mean?

Is life worth living?

What does anyone of us really know? Honestly? Do we know that the sun will rise tomorrow? Or that the oceans will stay put?

The word “know” is difficult to wrestle with sometimes and tends to be thrown around…

Life is worth living!


The past is easier to deal with though, for instance: I know that I woke up yesterday. So to find out the context of Socrates’s “unexamined life” quote we need to know him and his ideals as closely as possible.

Unfortunately, he left zero written teachings behind, so we turn to his students: Plato and Aristotle.

After looking at what they left behind we quickly see that these two students adopted very similar thoughts on life. They both believed in virtue, truth, knowledge and ethical behavior. They also placed immense importance on one of their teachers’ most famous answers: “know thyself!”

Know thyself

Is this so different from the quote that clearly tells us to examine our lives? No.

Then why is one accepted and the other under fire? It is very simple and comes down to the last part of his quote.

When he says “life is not worth living”. People thought this was an arrogant statement given that we are so diverse.

I have always wondered at the quote “knowledge is power”. Why not “the application of knowledge is power”.

Knowledge is useless unless you use it, so what is the knowledge without application? Well, I think Socrates would disagree with me for a very important reason.

Knowledge is a powerful thing in itself only because as conscious beings knowledge becomes part of who we are. It becomes ingrained in us on a level hard to comprehend.

When I say the knowledge I mean true knowledge, not the fact that we read a book and believe some of what it says.

True knowledge is special, and I think Socrates wanted us to understand that.

When we gain knowledge it becomes a new part of us, we become something more. If this is the case, what would you want to understand most of all?

Ourselves? That seems to be a good place to start.

A point of reference

Imagine this: You are born just as you were before but on a different Earth. The two Piles of the earth are the exact same except one thing.

The new one has no light at all. No sun, fire, light bulbs or any way to see anything. If this happened to ask yourself, what would you call the darkness?

Nothing, everything, it would just be. Simply because there is no point of reference to distinguish its existence.

There is no opposite and there is nowhere to start.

Unless we examine who we are, examine our lives, we lose our point of reference.

We will go through life blind, deaf and hardly with any real understanding of this controlled chaos we call life.

How do you examine life?

Some argue that those who tried to examine their life and decides not to go through it all can be considered “examining life” by itself.

Somehow similar to the “falling in love with the idea of love” but not actually “falling in love” itself.

To examine life, do we measure it up versus a certain standard or is it about finding a meaning to it? If it is the former, to which standard should we measure it to? Whereas, the latter asked a profound question of how do you find meanings into your life?

In this age where everyone is on survival mode with barely enough time to ponder on their lives, human, in general, succumb to go with the flow. Following the standard set by everyone else, would that count as an examined life?

It is a standard in itself but would that be enough?

All these questions are under the premise that we have been brought to this life to be at our “fullest potential.” In the quest towards the best version of ourselves, conscientious effort to continuously assess our lives has to be made. The ability to think and examine sets humans apart from the rest of the creatures on Earth.

Failing to use this unique ability to think is like losing your purpose, which equates to dying.

Happiness Versus Fulfillment

In this journey called life, many argued between pursuing one’s happiness over finding fulfillment. Happiness in itself is subjective as it can take the form of tangible representation such as awards or material possession like house etc.

On the other hand, it can also be intangible taking the form of meaningful and deep relationships. As simple as it seems, many find this pursuit superficial. Happiness is fleeting and Earth bounded. Yet, a quest to find fulfillment or your purpose is more fitting towards the worthy life.

Examining life goes beyond having a checklist of your material possession to a profound understanding of current versus ideal state. The ideal as our fullest potential. And, seeking the fullest potential leads to look deeper into our spirituality, acknowledging the existence of a higher being or entity.

That the existence of humankind is not merely to fulfill its earthly desires but in creating a “dent in the universe.” It requires a higher sense of spirituality with the conscious effort to reflect, correct our own mistakes and contribute to society.

Our purpose is our birthright. We then need to go through the purpose of life examination.

The journey towards fulfillment is a never-ending tirade of searching and finding our place is in this vast universe. To make a difference where you are with unquenched thirst towards wisdom and love.

When that time comes when we are stripped down to our bare necessities, it is not what we have acquired materially that matters most but how our presence has contributed to society. The aim is for continuous progress, not perfection.

In conclusion, the statement “The unexamined life is not worth living,” is Socrates’ way of reminding everyone to spare some time for self-reflection. But a mere analysis would not make any progress without action. A life worth living is being mindful that you are a work in progress towards fulfilling your purpose in life in making a difference in this world.

How and Why Do Moral Dilemmas Help Our Society?

Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted something but you weren’t comfortable with what you were about to do to get it? That could be a moral dilemma.

More often than not, when faced with a moral dilemma, we choose the easy way out. We know that the easy way will likely be to the detriment of someone else, but we still do it to serve our personal interests.

Other times, we choose to do the right thing because we can’t bear the burden of breaching our morals. Or simply because we believe we’ll get caught in the immoral act.

But where do these morals that hold us hostage come from and are they good for society? Morals are in most cases instilled within us by society, family, media, religion and other elements within our environment as we grow.

As we get older, our morals expand and evolve as our own conscious mind rationalizes and suggests to us what morals we should choose to follow or ignore.

Interestingly, what counts as generally accepted morals in one society will likely differ in another society. But regardless of what morals are generally accepted in your society, do those morals and their associated ethical dilemmas actually make your society a better place?

Many say yes, and we agree and here’s why.

Without Morals We are Nothing More than Animals

Many believe what separates from animals are higher brain function and opposable thumbs.

But morals are what truly separates us from beasts. Without morals, we’d live in a society where activities such as the powerful exploiting the weak and inbreeding like animals would be commonplace.

Thanks to morals, we can identify what is right from wrong and can then use our intelligence and willpower to choose to do the right thing for the sake of the sanctity of our society. It is because of morals we embrace concepts such as equal rights and respect for other life.

If everyone at the same time were to suddenly throw their morals out the window and act strictly on their baser instincts, the world would surely devolve into chaos.

Morals Help Us Evolve

When faced with a moral dilemma and the best course of action seems to be the wrong one, we are forced to think outside the box and come up with new solutions to the quandary.

Facing moral dilemmas activates our creativity as a society and helps us take our humanity to a new level to achieve better and greater things.

Moral dilemmas actually lessen stress

In a society where morals are an afterthought, the innocent tend to be stressed. This is because they live in constant fear that they will be exploited. But when a society is guided by sane morals, everyone can live in peace and happiness.

Sticking with morals also takes the burden off individuals who are forced to make unethical decisions that they are uncomfortable with. With ethical rationale to back up their choice to do what they believe is right, they can go about their business with a lighter heart.

So do moral dilemmas help society?



By keeping society sane and safe.

The moral dilemma in society is what grooms us to be reasonable, law-abiding and responsible people. Never underestimate the influence of morals, especially during our formative years. Without moral dilemmas to guide our actions, we’d be nothing but savages psychologically, financially, physically, and emotionally preying on one another.

That is not a society you or your child would want to live in.

Can a society exist without laws?

A Society rarely survives without some formed code of conduct. Thus it cannot exist without law, whether it is natural law or human law. From the very ancient period of human evolution, there is certain practice going on of law.

Since then the law has referred to be a needed term in society.

So can a society exist without laws?

In order to understand this concept, first, we need to understand what society is and what law is, and in which case law is essential.

Definition of Society

According to the definition of society by many philosophers, in short, society is an association or organization of individuals cooperate and behaving with one another and lives in the same place with the same genre of interest and lives under certain laws.

It is an organized group which is controlled by some strict norms and law.

What is Law Actually?

On the other side, if we simply look at the term “law”, we shall find the law is some code of control which governs our life and ascertain what individual can do and what they cannot. According to experts, Law is kind of a set of rules that are regulated by law enforcement or agency.

There are two types of law, one is a natural law and another is human law.

Natural law formed naturally in us. It built on human nature which is formed by virtue.

Human law is more of man-made law. It is formed by law enforcement and force society to follow them.

First and foremost, the most important law we follow is natural law. Although we weren’t born with these, these are formed throughout our life. Our environment, surroundings, culture, relatives play a vital role in it.

These things help us to build our character, our conscience. There goes a saying, conscience is the highest court anyone can face. Because you may flee from any law enforcement agency, but you cannot ever flee from yourself. That staggering pain of thought for breaking the law of conscience will follow you everywhere.

That’s why these laws are so much hard to break.

Importance of Natural Law

Natural law or moral law is established upon human nature. It is an instinct which shows us what we should do and what we shouldn’t. It is natural law by which we can understand the effect of doing a bad thing, and it makes us understand being punished if we do something wrong.

Thus this law can stop our inner spirit from doing any bad thing, and inspire us to accomplish some good. Natural law helps us to build trust, love, and affection towards people and not to hurt them.

The natural law of us can help to preserve humanity thus it brings peace which is very important.

It is as important for society as the heart is important to live.

Natural laws depend on the upbringing and the environment, and everyone’s law of conscience is different. For example, homicide might not be considered a bad thing for some, which we see among serial killers.

But a standardized law system is needed for a society to function properly. It cannot operate with the variability of natural law.

This is the place man-made laws come in.

Importance of Human Law

Human law is a kind of law that is regulated and conduct by a human. To avoid chaos and form a better society there is certain law enforcement to create some law. There is some common law established and abide by people throughout the world. With such law, people can settle under some obligation of rules and norms which they must obey.

Man-made laws are the set of rules which are standardized and recognized by a nation’s policymakers keeping in the thought of the culture, literature, religion, and lifestyle of the citizens.

These laws are also very much needed, as these serve as the standard of building the conscience of the citizens. Also, fundamental rights and safety can be ensured for citizens abiding by these laws.

The society can punish anyone breaking the law, to set an example and also giving the person a chance to set things right. It is important to establish human laws for every society and every community.

The law can strictly maintain human rights and control the violation with a hard hand.

A society cannot live alone; it must contain people of different ages and types. And when diversity exists, chaos can certainly take place. If no law is formed in society, different kinds of social problems like slavery, hierarchy rules, partition, and domination will be raised.

No human rights and no basic needs will be preserved if no law has existed.

In order to live a peaceful and undisturbed life without any mess, we must have a constraint to honor the law. It may lead us to do what is require and avoid confusion which can give us a well-regulated and more disciplined society.

So a well-balanced society cannot exist without law!

If you would like to dig deeper into the philosophy about the construct of modern societies we recommend studying the Frankfurter Schools works. Especially Karl Mannheim has some excellent analysis. His books are freely available since they are now in the Public Domain. You can download them here:

Is technological advancement a net positive or a net negative?

In earlier days, the only entertainment system people had on their own was radio. Through the radio, they listened to the dramas, movies, songs, and news as well.

Nowadays, there are many entertainment units like Television, Music System and home theatre are available in almost all the homes. One could get theatre effects in the convenience of their home itself.

Isn’t that great?

Indeed, it is.

This wouldn’t have been possible without the technological advancements, some people even doubt that we are living in real world.

But, it comes with its own downside too. Instead of playing outside with friends, children are spending a lot of time in front of the Television. This would eventually lead to obesity in children.

Also, few children might end up having some sight problems as well.

Technological advancements made communication easier, or so it seems…

When it comes to communication, we could see a lot of advancements too.

Earlier, letters were used to send messages from one place to another. Telegrams were used in case of emergency messages.

Later, with the advent of the internet, electronic mail came to existence. Through this, anyone was able to send messages at ease. The telephone also made the communication process much easier.

But through mobile phones and smartphones, people are able to send messages easily. Internet plays a vital role in the advancement of the communication filed. It makes even the communication across the continent easier. Isn’t that really makes our life simpler? Yes, indeed. But, it brings its own disadvantages too.

People are often more addicted to their smartphones and spend more time in the virtual world through the internet. They often miss spending time with people around and miss to spend quality time with their loved ones every day.

What’s the use if the husband and the wife stay online all the time without having a real conversation among them?

Doesn’t that destroy the family values altogether?

Technology has made education for everyone, but it seems not everyone enjoys it…

In the field of education, technology is playing a vital role as well. Earlier, one has to go to school and universities to learn things. The traditional system still exists too.

But the way, students taught have changed.

Nowadays, the projectors are used immensely compared to the traditional blackboards.

Even students have the flexibility to learn the courses online. Numerous online tutors are available who could help the students and clarify their doubts anytime with ease. They don’t have to wait to go to school.

But one should understand the main purpose of going to school is just not for the sake of studying alone, it will make a person understand society better. It will make the students be part of a group and function efficiently. It will promote the teamwork too. The students will be able to network well by going to schools or universities. This benefit could not be completely accomplished in the online education system.

The students might get distracted and the meticulous learning is not really possible in the online education system. It has reduced the attention span tremendously.

Of course, the internet plays a huge part

Advancements on the internet are one of the major achievements done by technology. Through this, anything is actually possible. This has made communications much simpler. Through social media, one could keep in touch with their friends easily.

This helps in unveiling numerous career opportunities for the people as well. The Internet has made education simpler too.

Bill payments could be done using Internet banking. Money transfer has been made easier. Anything could be bought by sitting in one place using online shopping.

No commuting is required and people can shop at their own convenience.

But, it has led to major issues as well. Data theft is one of the emerging problems in today’s world. Hackers use the data and steal money using the internet.

Medicine has gone further, but can it go too far?

Much advancement has been observed in the medical industry. It has helped immensely to save the lives of many people. Few of the advancements are heart transplantation, kidney transplantation, cancer treatment, and knee or hip replacements.

These wouldn’t have been possible without the advancement of technology.

On the other hand, if one uses mobile phones or laptops for more time, it will cause vision problems, stress, sleep issues, and neck strain. More stress could lead to depression as well.

Coin (or technology) has two sides

Positive and negative effects of technology are like two sides of a coin.

The technology advancements have both positives and negatives. The positives definitely outweigh the negative effects. But, it is also necessary to mitigate the negative effects.

People should be educated about data theft and sufficient precautions have to be adopted to prevent it.

We shouldn’t get addicted to mobile phones and use them only when it is required.

We should be made aware of the negative effects of mobile phones.

Overall, people should understand the negative effects of technology and change should come from within oneself to change the world. This would definitely make the world a better place to live.

Is the universe real or are we living in simulation?

Over the years there have been claims of evolution, there have been claims of creation of the universe resulting from the big bang and from the religious aspect which is the creation story and in all of this one thing that remains constant and unchanging is the fact that curiosity plays a major role in most of the human endeavors.

Curiosity has been the reason for the major advancement in technology, the way we communicate, the way we process food and all of that – curiosity has basically given birth to discoveries and it the same light curiosity has brought up this salient question – Are we living in a simulation and is the world real?

Looking at it from various points of view we discover that there are valid arguments in favor of both questions.

The answer to these question has for long remained a mystery to all of the human race, the time has gone by and there has been no definite answer to the question but people have been busy with their various hypothesis. Each day someone comes up to give us reasons why he or she believes that this universe is not real and as they come with their claim there is someone else countering by saying that the universe is indeed real and things are just as they are.

Is there some reality?

It could be that we are being deceived by this reality and the truth is that all of this is an illusion. It could be that there is no such thing as reality and that everything we know, we are meant to know because our mind has built the illusion. A man once said that we are merely part of a community of minds, everything that occurs and the way we perceive life is all in the mind and that tends to say a lot.

Take the money, for instance, it is only paper but yet many kill for it as it has been given so much value – people kill and have fights about mere paper because of how much value they believe it possesses. We live by the mind, we do things because we think them first – researchers have not been able to prove that the earth is not real but speculations have refused to die regarding the issue.

Some people have strong beliefs that we may be living in a simulation – a computer simulation, a technology that makes what is not real seem real enough for us to believe it. It is very difficult for many of us to believe that we are living in a simulation as every single cell in our body rebels against it.

The feel of the breeze against your skin, the way your taste buds tingle when you eat and all of that are just too real to be a computer simulation – and because of it all we all rule the simulation talk as balderdash and conclude in our heads that the universe is real. 

We, however, cannot dispute the power of technology and its ability to create games that are realistic enough to momentarily make us believe that they are real, virtual reality is also one of the many results of how far technology can go and think about the universe in this light is enough to make you think again.

For many years, scientists have been thinking over and over in continuous circles – it will happen that one day the universe will be real and then the next there will be a new reason to doubt it.

Elon Musk and Neil DeGrasse Tyson thinks we might live in a simulation

Elon Musk believes that we might be living in a simulation but there have been some claims that indeed the computing power is very powerful and it is very capable of creating a mini world where each sim can be controlled or programmed to do one thing, it is, however, impossible for the world to be a simulation as the number of atoms it would take to create this reality and all the components that makes it what it is far greater than the number of atoms we currently have moving about the universe.

No proof has been given to either one of these claims but these claims did not just come to be, they have been since the days of the great philosopher Plato who along with many other colleagues believed that the universe is not a reality but rather it is an illusion.

He was not the only one from his time as about two thousand years ago, Pythagoras thought of numbers as non-material essence that brought about the physical world.

Physicists have been said to confirm that we do not live in a computer simulation, they have concluded that it is impossible to create something as infinite as our universe on even the largest of computers but even with this realization some physicists believe that it is going to be forever impossible to prove whether or not we are in a simulation as every piece of evidence we are able to retrieve my in itself be a simulation and every single thing we think might also be a simulation.

It could be that all of this process of trying to figure out what is real from what is not might just be us acting out a program where we are supposed to do exactly that and in the end, we will still have no legit answer that has been bugging minds for ages.

Neil deGrasse Tyson, the director of the museum’s Hayden Planetarium set the odds on a balanced scale and stated that he believes the chances could be very high and he pointed out that the same way we are superior in the area of intelligence to chimpanzees, in that same light it is very probable that there is a being out there that is far more superior than we could ever dream of being in the area of intelligence and in the eyes of such a being we might just be mere idiots.

Some final words on reality vs simulation

He said that for that reason he believes that our lives are just made up for the purpose of another’s intelligence.

There is no coming to a conclusion on any of this, there is no proof that the world is real and there is also no solid evidence that it is not.

There is however that one thing that cannot be argued about and that is the fact that real or not, our lives are merely what we make of them.

Every life on the planet might be a simulation or not but as it is none of it matters as much as how we live every moment.

Does Everything Happen for a Reason?

Sometimes You may ask Yourself – Does everything happen for a reason?

In life, there are always times when we feel sad and aimless. We are fired from work, we get sick, we lose our house or our family, and we ask ourselves:

Why me?

Just a look at the news is enough to find out about natural disasters, tragedies and illness in all parts of the world.

What sense can I make from all this?

For some people, the answer may be in religion.

To think that everything is part of God’s plan, or karma or a divine destiny written by some supernatural entity. This may comfort some, but it is not always enough.

Is everything in the world simply chaos?


However, it is a sort of “ordered chaos”. Everything in the universe is connected. At first glance, everything may seem like a complete chance. But by observing carefully we can find that there are patterns. Causes and effects.

Then things start to make sense and we can then write laws and principles full of beauty that not only explain why things are the way they are but also lead us to predict what they will be like later. If you stay attentive you can see how everything falls into place.

Breast cancer case

Some time ago, a radio host in Mexico started a campaign to prevent breast cancer. She called on women to go with their doctor for a checkup. While she was in these activities, somebody suggested her to take a checkup herself, and she did.

The result: cancer.

While she was with a nurse talking about the matter, about how strange was finding out that she had cancer while she was leading a campaign for early detection, the nurse answered: “Then your campaign worked on you”.

She was in shock. She did not know it at first but had it not been for this campaign that she started thinking about other women, she might have learned about her own illness too late.

Maybe even mentioning breast cancer in this post has a meaning…

One may think that she was lucky, that what happened to her is not always the case. Sometimes tragedy takes over us and there is no opportunity to step aside.

Never stop fighting

However, one should never stop fighting. We are not alone, there is always someone watching. You never know who is going to take you as a reference, for good or bad.

Never stop improving Yourself!

The way in which you face adversity can be an example for other people going through it. It is important to learn from all experiences, good or bad, and get the best out of it.

You have to focus on the “what is it for”, not the “why”.

This change of focus from the past to the future is positive.

It gives us back a sense of control.

Remember that the human being is an evolving entity. Like the rock that with each blow of the hammer shows the sculpture that it has hidden inside, the difficult moments teach us who we really are.

“No captain became expert in a calm sea, “As Arthur Golden said.

We may not understand the meaning of a particular individual history, but the collective consciousness may have its own path.

Remember that we are just one more fiber in the fabric of our species. It’s all about perspective. The things we are going through can be part of a growth process.

It is possible that one is skeptical and thinks that everything is just chance. However, an example can show the difference that a person’s attitude can make.

Skeptics and believers in supernatural

An experiment was done where the researchers divided the participants into two groups, one of the skeptics and one of the believers in the supernatural.

Everyone was given to read the same magazine, which contained an advertisement that said that if they showed it to the researchers, they would receive an economic reward.

The result?

In the group of believers, there were many more people who saw the announcement and gave it to the researcher compared to the group of skeptics.

If you want to find meaning around you, you need to have an open mind.

We are the directors of our destiny. You can choose to let the tide take you, or choose to use the wind in your favor. There will always be pain and sorrow in the world, but also dance and singing. Everything is part of the human plot of which you are part of. Your role may not be very clear for now, but you must have faith and concentrate on the “what is it for” of things. From there, the “how” will be clearer to you when the time comes.

How calligraphy helped Steve Jobs?

Steve Jobs, one of the greatest entrepreneurs of our time was given in adoption by his biological mother. His new parents promised to send him to college, but he dropped out shortly after being admitted given the heavy economic load it represented for his parents.

That caused him many problems, but it also allowed him to study the things that really interested him, including a class of calligraphy.

At that time he did not know it, but that would be useful later in the creation of the Macintosh, the first computer with a beautiful typography.

A few years later his company would become the multimillionaire. Then they would fire him. But then that experience would take him down new paths of success.

Focus on problems or the future?

Regular people tend to concentrate on problems.

Successful people are focused on the future.

Where can this take me, and how can I get there?

Sometimes the path is difficult and dark and it is impossible to see what is ahead, but everything pass. The important thing is to continue breathing.

Do we live in a world of chaos? – Yes.

Is there a plan in all this? – That’s true too.

Keep on looking for light. Thank things for their service, the clothes that cover you, the chair that supports you, the air that keeps you alive.

Choose to have a positive approach, the narrative you want to choose. Remember: Everything happens for a good reason!

Are Highly Intelligent People Less Happy? – “Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know”

Ernest Hemingway has rightly said, “Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know”. Intelligent people might have accomplished great things in their work, having a loving life partner or a loving family, but at times, intelligent people to agonize from sadness, loneliness or conflicted thoughts.

Overthinking has a negative impact on happiness

According to the research, it has been found that people with higher IQ levels are considered to be overthinkers. They tend to analyze each and every aspect of life and beyond. As a result of this, it transports them to undesirable, unwanted situations that even don’t exist at all.

Happiness and intelligence do not harmonize with each other. Happiness is all about living each and every moment without thinking for a second. The less you understand and overthink, the happier and carefree you will be. However, in the case of intelligence, it is a complete polarity. Examining each and every situation leaves a person in a miserable and devastating situation.

Overachieving and Happiness

Smart and intelligent people truly know what they want in their life and hence, they do not settle for anything less. It doesn’t matter how far they have reached in their life, it is difficult for them to settle with present things.

They want something bigger in their life that can make them happy in every way possible. Intelligent people have got excellent theoretical minds, hence it makes them uneasy to fit into a mediocre world.

They got an idealistic perception of the world. Hence, when their expectations meet reality check, it lands them into disappointment. Intelligent people are highly susceptible to what people think about themselves. Reading people’s hidden motives is enough to make them anxious and restless. They are too much confined to themselves.

People with high IQ usually do not allow any people in their life unless they know their “Real” character. They are deep-thinking individuals who analyze each and every behavior of the person in a rigorous manner.

Past Experiences, Guilt and Negative Emotions

Many times, it has been observed that intelligent people are often prone to past experiences that foster feelings of discontentment, negative emotions and guilt in their life, due to which these experiences do not open future joy and happiness in front of them. These emotions hinder or block their gateway towards happiness that they have always set an eye for. Moreover, such people are always prone to over-thinking as they analyze every circumstance twice.

The entire concept of too much thinking is not only overwhelming but exhausting as well. Your thoughts can over-power your entire existence as well as can put you down with their weights. Often, we have been hearing this many times that the world is over-occupied by wrong people and men. But the entire point is why do you have to consider it twice? Whatever other people do, it isn’t your responsibility as well as you have no power or control over it right? Then why the intelligent folks have to over-think every part of it?

Another point is that the person with a high IQ always wants to do every task with precision and carefulness, and in such times, when the cards don’t come out in their favor, they get disappointed. It has to be understood that at times when things don’t go according to you, it is okay, and you don’t have to feel disheartened for that. But this type of practical knowledge is not present in the intelligent men.

Final Words on Happiness

We can conclude that intelligent men will have all the success and luck in their life, but still, they yearn to ask for more can lead them into altogether overwhelming situations. Basically, they want more out of simple things and when they fail to meet their expectations it leads to a situation where they are more of annoyed as well as frustrated by themselves. Not only this, happiness is a state of mind and intelligence is the scope of the mind.

When you are happy, you are more focused on the present state of events. But, when you are just intelligent, you fail to accept your present as you want more out of it. Furthermore, an intelligent state of mind refuses to settle but a happy mind is like a fluid, it will adjust itself in no matter what may be the situation.

What is the Difference Between Justice and Revenge?

When somebody does something bad, especially if it’s of a criminal nature, would you ask for justice or revenge?

To some people, there is no difference between justice and revenge. In fact, many people feel that justice is nothing other than a different way of saying revenge.

In reality, though, the two are different, as you will learn below.

Nevertheless, you are not wrong in believing that they mean the same thing.

What are the differences between the two?

First, revenge never offers closure. You will always be left wondering if you could have avenged the wrong done to you in a more intense or aggressive manner.

Revenge never offers closure.

Did you hurt the wrongdoer enough?

With justice, comes closure. You can rest safe in the knowledge that everybody, especially the system, agrees with you that the person/people did you wrong and deserved punishment. That leads us to the next issue.

Revenge will always remain one-sided. It’s all about how you feel and what you want. You are the center of the focus. No other opinion matters except yours. In revenge, you are the prosecutor, jury, judge, and executioner.

The wrongdoer has no opportunity to offer reasons for the wrong done to you. In justice, the concerned people get a chance to state their case or lack thereof. Justice looks at several sides.

Revenge is not only one-sided but also propelled by self-interest.

Justice, on the other hand, is always impartial.

Emotion is at the heart of revenge. How you feel is the most important factor here. In justice, emotion has a place but doesn’t drive the agenda. Instead, justice relies on rationality and logic. A neutral party – the judge – takes charge of proceedings that seek to determine whether you need justice.

The judge looks at the facts and evidence. The judge weighs them to determine the best course of action to take.

Nevertheless, is revenge that bad? Does it have a place in modern society anywhere?

Humans are hard-wired to seek revenge.

Everybody wants something equally bad to happen to somebody who was responsible for causing hurt and pain to another person or group of people. There may be merits to seeking vengeance.

However, what sort of society will we have built if everyone were to pursue this path? Humanity can only survive if we create room for and embrace the pursuit of justice.

In revenge, the victims seek to retaliate in kind.

Confucius encouraged us to dig two graves before embarking on the journey of revenge.

Gandhi told us the whole world would soon be blind if we all believed in “an eye for an eye.”

What is the Goal of Humanity?

Humanity has several meanings. First, it means human beings as a collective. Two, it refers to benevolence or the quality of being a human being. Some of its synonyms include humankind, the human race, man, people, mankind, mortals, brotherliness, compassion, kindness, understanding, and sympathy among others. Understanding its meaning is one thing.

Question is, do you know what the goal of humanity is?

Why do we pursue humanity?

We are already humans so we can do nothing about that. What we should strive to do is to bring out our best qualities. For example, how do you react when you see a fellow human in pain? What do you do when you see somebody’s house burning? Are you happy at another person’s suffering?

As we pursue humanity, our goal should be to sympathize and empathize with those in worse conditions.

To some people, the goal of humanity is hand-to-mouth existence.

To others, the goal is to amass as much wealth and power as possible.

Other humans are just happy to be alive.

Is that what humanity is all about though? There has to be more than that.

Principle of universality

Humanity’s goal is to realize what’s known as the principle of universality. It requires connecting with this goal. It requires waking up to the realization that happiness is not external but internal. It is to stop worrying since we all realize that humans – just as is the case with other living things – will eventually vanish.

The goal is to stop being anxious about the future.

Humanity requires that we stop fighting all these many wars between nations or tribes.

Security and efficiency

The other goal is enhancing security for everybody. All humans should enjoy personal security.

Everybody should enjoy property security too. We all have to benefit from job security too. Improved security cannot happen without efficiency.

We have to seek to improve efficiency in all spheres of our lives. We have to stop wastages, especially once we realize that people around the world have no access to the stuff we waste or misuse on a daily basis.


Another equally important goal of humanity is equity, which refers to justice and fairness for everybody. Every person needs equal access to the same opportunities. Equity for everybody means that we all have a chance of being successful and enjoying a good quality of life.

No person should ever have to work long hours only to gain less than everybody else. Those who work should gain an equal proportion to the effort they put in.